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OpenRefine News: December 2015

· 2 min read

Happy new year Refiners! Now is time to look back and see what happen in the community through December. Open your agenda, we already have two vents schedule for 2016


Tony Hirst share his thoughts on the new IBM Data Scientist WorkBench which combine in a single cloud platform OpenRefine, RStudio and Jupyter Notebooks.

Ever wanted to know how to use the template function to export your data in XML format? @ndalyrose explained how she used OpenRefine to create XML Records from a spreadsheet for batch upload to Wikimedia.

The Louisiana Library Network (@louislibraries) published a slide deck on Data Wrangling with OpenRefine including Presentation and Use case made.

@ppival put things in perspective and even if OpenRefine is an awesome tool for data cleaning he found that it may not be the right one for twitter archiving and geolocation.

@MagdMartin added a new knowledge base article to check if value in one record are unique.

Development Update

@AbsolutelyJeff released an update to his #VIAF reconciliation service. You can check it on his Github repository

December Events Overview

The Week Four of the Library Carpentry program took place in London UK and focused on Open Refine and was lead by @ostephens.

In Belgium, @RubenVerborgh presented the Name Entity Extraction at the #LibraryLab.

Finally at the News Impact Summit Dublin, @Bahareh360 introduce OpenRefine to a crowd of journalist.

Coming Events

Two workshop are schedule for 2016:

February 01, 2016 The University of Leicester organized a session on cleaning messy data with OpenRefine for PhD Students and Staff

January 20, 2016 DVS Workshop: OpenRefine - Data Cleaning, Mining, Transformations, and Text Normalization at Duke University