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Governance changes

· One min read

Sandra Fauconnier has been OpenRefine's project director since February 2022, and has been working on many fronts in this capacity: leading a reflection on the transformation of the project's governance model, running the biyearly user survey, coordinating our participation in the Outreachy internship programme, migrating from Google Groups to our new Discourse forum, and many more project management tasks behind the scenes. Given her close ties with the Wikimedia and Wikibase communities, she also strengthened the project's ties with those partners.

Sandra has decided to step down from the project director role, returning to her previous work in Linked Open Data in the cultural sector and the Wikimedia movement. As of December 1st, she has transfered back her responsibilities to the advisory committee, consisting of Martin Magdinier, Jan Ainali and Antonin Delpeuch.

We thank Sandra for her tireless work in this position and will follow up soon about our measures to fill the gap left by her change of position.